Difficulty: Advanced

Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy – (Facilitator)

Welcome to your online learning journey!

Here, you will find all of the course materials you need to complete the course. In some lessons, there may be a mini quiz and some may have workbooks or reference sheets for you to download in the resources section, which you will find at the bottom of each lesson.

There will be reflective assignments for you to complete that will help you to integrate and apply what you have learned. You do not have to submit you answers, but we strongly recommend that you take your time with each question, as they will deepen your understanding and help you to apply what you have learned in a practical, meaningful way.

We would also love for you to share your AHA moments with us in your Facebook group here, so that we can celebrate with you!

If you have any questions about your course, please either reach out to us in the group or you can email us at [email protected].

When you have completed your course and all of the reflective assignments, please email us using the above address, stating the course completed and how you wish your name to appear, and we will send you your certificate.


  • Welcome
    • A Message from Anne-Marie
    • What You Will Learn
    • Start Here
    • Mentor Calls
    • Your Certification
    • Your Licence Agreement – Please Read & Sign
  • The Soul Awakening Method
    • Module Objectives
    • The Soul Awakening Method – Webinar
    • Soul Awakening Method – Workbook
    • Life Satisfaction Scale
    • Reflective Assignment 
  • Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy
    • Module Objectives
    • Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy – Video 
    • Seven Steps to Spiritual Alchemy – Workbook
    • Reflective Assignment 
  • Understanding Chakras 
    • Module Objectives
    • Chakra – Workbook
    • Chakra – Assessment
    • Chakra – Masterclass
    • Reflective Assignment
  • The Aim of a Spiritual Coach
    • Module Objectives
    • The Aim of a Spiritual Life Coach
    • Follow Your Own Path
    • How Do We Become Our Best Self?
    • The Natural Approach To Happiness
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Holding a Spiritual Coaching Session
    • Module Objectives
    • The Spiritual Coaching Structure
    • Establishing a Goal
    • Open Questioning Versus Closed
    • Identifying Core Values & Beliefs
    • Values – Exercise
    • Group Coaching Sessions and Difficult Clients
    • Coaching a Client Who is ‘Stuck’
    • Session Outcomes & Closing
    • Live Training Webinar – Holding a Spiritual Coaching Session
    • Coaching Agreement & Consultation Forms
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Inner Child Healing
    • Module Objectives
    • The Human Conditioning
    • Becoming Your Own Inner Coach
    • I Am Enough
    • What is the Inner Child?
    • Healing the Father Archetype
    • Healing the Mother Archetype
    • Healing the Inner Child
    • Create Your Ideal Life Exercise
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Energy Psychology 
    • Module Objectives
    • What is Meditation?
    • What is Energy Psychology?
    • Chakra Meditation Scripts
    • Soul Family Contracts
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Energy & Neuroscience 
    • Module Objectives
    • Neuroscience & Social Engagement
    • The Heart-Brain Connection
    • The Gut-Brain Axis
    • The Three Brains Exercise
    • Unconscious Energetic Communication
    • Forming New Neural Pathways
    • Neuroplasticity Exercise
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Chakra Alchemy
    • Module Objectives
    • What is Alchemy?
    • What is Spiritual Alchemy?
    • Why Soul Work is Important 
    • Chakra Alchemy Webinar
    • Chakra Alchemy Workbook
    • Transforming Core Beliefs Meditation
    • Archetype Activation Meditation
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Working With Your Pendulum
    • Module Objectives
    • Working with a Pendulum
    • Opening Your Sacred Soul Space
    • Clearing Your Energy Field
    • Removing Doubt in Your Ability
    • How to Use Your Pendulum
    • Time to Practice
    • Making a Quantum Connection
    • Looking After Yourself
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Root Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Wisdom of the Root
    • Root Chakra Ritual
    • Root Chakra Invocation
    • Root Chakra Meditation
    • Root Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Sacral Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Wisdom of the Sacral
    • Sacral Chakra Ritual
    • Sacral Chakra Invocation
    • Sacral Chakra Meditation
    •  Sacral Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Wisdom of the Solar Plexus
    • Solar Plexus Chakra Ritual
    • Solar Plexus Chakra Invocation
    • Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
    • Solar Plexus Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Heart Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Wisdom of the Heart Chakra
    • Heart Chakra Ritual 
    • Heart Chakra Invocation
    • Heart Chakra Meditation
    • Heart Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Throat Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Wisdom of the Throat Chakra
    • Throat Chakra Ritual
    • Throat Chakra Invocation
    • Throat Chakra Meditation
    • Throat Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Third Eye Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Wisdom of the Third Eye Chakra
    • Third Eye Chakra Ritual
    • Third Eye Chakra Invocation
    • Third Eye Chakra Meditation
    • Third Eye Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Crown Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Wisdom of the Crown Chakra
    • Crown Chakra Ritual
    • Crown Chakra Meditation
    • Crown Chakra Invocation
    • Crown Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Seven Steps Workbooks/Homework/Meditation Scripts
    • Module Objectives
    • Meditation Scripts
    • Root Chakra
    • Sacral Chakra
    • Solar Plexus Chakra
    • Heart Chakra
    • Throat Chakra 
    • Third Eye Chakra
    • Crown Chakra
  • Becoming a Facilitator 
    • Module Objectives
    • What is a Spiritual Facilitator & Sacred Space Holder? 
    • Setting Up Your Sacred Space
    • Creating a Safe & Supportive Environment
    • Opening a Circle
    • Closing a Circle
    • Circle Agreements Demonstration 1
    • Circle Agreements Demonstration 2
    • Confidence
    • How to Handle Participants 
    • Staying in Control of the Group
    • Offering Private Mentoring
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Facilitation Lives
    • Live Root Chakra Facilitation
  • Graduation
    • Final Assessment
    • Certification
