Difficulty: Advanced

Awakened Heart-Healing

Welcome to your online learning journey!

Here, you will find all of the course materials you need to complete the course. In some lessons, there may be a mini quiz and some may have workbooks or reference sheets for you to download in the resources section, which you will find at the bottom of each lesson.

There will be reflective assignments for you to complete that will help you to integrate and apply what you have learned. You do not have to submit you answers, but we strongly recommend that you take your time with each question, as they will deepen your understanding and help you to apply what you have learned in a practical, meaningful way.

We would also love for you to share your AHA moments with us in your Facebook group here, so that we can celebrate with you!

If you have any questions about your course, please either reach out to us in the group or you can email us at [email protected].

When you have completed your course and all of the reflective assignments, please email us using the above address, stating the course completed and how you wish your name to appear, and we will send you your certificate.


  • Welcome
    • Introduction to Awakened Heart-Healing
    • Mentor Calls
    • Your Certification
    • Your Licence Agreement – Please Read & Sign
  • Trauma & Spirituality
    • Module Objectives
    • What is a Trauma-Informed Coach & Spiritual Facilitator?
    • Chakras & Trauma
    • How Chakras Hold the Stories of Past Experiences
    • How Chakras are Imprinted
    • Brain Integration & Consciousness 
    • Consciousness & Energy
    • Dropping into the Source
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Emotional Intelligence
    • Module Objectives
    • Emotional Intelligence
    • Having Empathy, Sympathy & Compassion
    • The Drama Triangle
    • Parts Work
    • Janina Fisher – Healing the Fragmented Selves
    • The Spiral of Healing
    • Transactional Analysis
    • Peter Levine’s 2 Step Self-Holding Exercise
    • Exercise End Worry Changing Beliefs – Activity
    • Masterclass
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Awakened Heart-Healing – Root Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Opening Your Sacred Space
    • Root Chakra Workbook
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Awakened Heart-Healing – Sacral Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Sacral Chakra Workbook
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Awakened Heart-Healing – Solar Plexus Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Solar Plexus Chakra Workbook
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Awakened Heart-Healing – Heart Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Heart Chakra Workbook
    • Reflective Assignment
  • How to Hold Space
    • Module Objectives
    • ‘Holding Space’
    • How Will You Hold Space?
    • How to Create a Non-Judgemental Space for Yourself and Others
    • Building Trust & Autonomy
    • How to Create Your Circle of Trust
    • How to Move Through Trauma
    • How to Work Through Conflict
    • Creating Brave Spaces
    • How to Facilitate Authenticity & Awakening 
    • The Opposite of Holding Space
    • Guiding with Humility and Thoughtfulness
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Retreat Training
    • Module Objectives
    • Mastering Retreat Facilitation
    • Ensuring Retreat Safety, Insurance, and Adhering to Legislation
    • Retreat Registration and Health Information Form Example
    • Retreat Terms and Conditions Example
    • COVID-19 Liability Release Form
    • Retreat Itinerary Example
    • Final Assessment
  • Graduation
    • Certification
