Life Coach Foundation (NEW)

Welcome to your online learning journey!

Here, you will find all of the course materials you need to complete the course. In some lessons, there may be a mini quiz and some may have workbooks or reference sheets for you to download in the resources section, which you will find at the bottom of each lesson. 

There will be reflective assignments for you to complete that will help you to integrate and apply what you have learned. You do not have to submit your answers, but we strongly recommend that you take your time with each question, as they will deepen your understanding and help you to apply what you have learned in a practical, meaningful way. 

We would also love for you to share your AHA moments with us in our Facebook group here so that we can celebrate with you!

If you have any questions about your course, please either reach out to us in the group or you can email us at [email protected].

When you have completed your course and all of the reflective assignments, please email us using the above address, stating the course completed and how you wish your name to appear, and we will send you your certificate.

Happy learning!


  • Welcome
    • A Message from Anne-Marie
    • Your Certification 
    • Start Here…..
    • Reflection Assignment 
  • Life Coach Mastery
    • Module Objectives
    • Life Coach Mastery – Workbook
    • The 12-Key Skills of Life Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Mastery of The Mind
    • Module Objectives
    • Mastery of the Mind – Workbook
    • Mastery of the Mind – Activity 
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Changing Behaviour & Changing Lives  
    • Moule Objectives
    • Changing Lives – Workbook
    • Maslow’s Needs Model
    • Human Needs – ACTIVITY
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Tools for Empowerment
    • Module Objectives
    • Emotional Frequency
    • Emotional Triggers
    • Breaking Down Emotional Barriers
    • Strengths in Coaching
    • Recognising Your Core Strengths
    • Strengths Activity
    • What are Values in Coaching?
    • Discover Your Values – Activity
  • Limiting Beliefs in Coaching
    • Module Objectives
    • How We Form Beliefs
    • What Are Core Beliefs?
    • How To Reframe Limiting Beliefs
    • Limiting Belief Activity
    • How to Reframe The Inner Critic
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Coaching Tools for Transformation 
    • Module Objectives
    • Successful Goal Setting
    • Why Goal Setting Is So Important 
    • G.R.O.W Coaching Model
    • G.R.O.W in 4-Steps
    • How to Use G.R.O.W in Coaching
    • Time To Get S.M.A.R.T
    • Putting G.R.O.W & S.M.A.R.T Together
    • Maximising Your Clients Chance of Finding Options
    • The Wheel of Life Model
    • Wheel of Life – Activity
    • Coach The Way Forward
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Healing The Inner Child
    • Module Objectives
    • What Is An Inner Child
    • Who Is Your Inner Child?
    • Who Is Your Adult Self?
    • How to Discern the Inner Child from Adult Self 
    • Taking An Inner Journey 
    • Triggers & How To Work With Them
    • Working with the Past, Present, Here & Now
    • Reflective Assignment
  • The Chakras
    • Module Objectives 
    • The Importance of Our Chakras
    • The 7 Chakras
  • Root Chakra Coaching
    • Root Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Sacral Chakra Coaching
    • Module Objectives
    • Sacral Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Solar Plexus Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Heart Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • I AM LOVE
    • Heart Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Throat Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Throat Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Third Eye Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Third Eye Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Crown Chakra
    • Module Objectives
    • Crown Chakra Coaching
    • Reflective Assignment
  • Becoming a Practitioner
    • Leave a Review
    • Get Our Ultimate Coaching Toolbox
    • Graduation
    • Code of Ethics
    • What Next?